Academic Articles
Here you can find a list of all the academic articles we have collated into one place for your ease. Please enjoy browsing!
Sign Language Brokering: A survey of hearing and deaf CODAs-Jemina Napier
This brief report presents a summary of findings from the international online survey, which was funded through a Macquarie University Safety Net Fund Grant (2011-2012).
Views from the borderline: Extracts from my life as a coloured child of Deaf adults, growing up in apartheid South Africa
This study used auto-ethnography to explore the socialisation of a female coloured CODA during the height of South Africa’s apartheid era, in order to shed light on intersectional influences on identity and selfhood. The study was intended to contribute to the limited knowledge available on the life circumstances of CODAs in Global South contexts.
The psycho-social impact on hearing children of deafness in their primary caregiver: Anna Ward
This study examines whether deafness in the caregiver impacts on the development and socialisation of their hearing child. Therefore this dissertation is guided by the question: “Can deafness in the primary caregiver be linked to a characteristic psychological profile in the hearing child and if so what are the characteristics of this profile?”
The Hearing Child of Deaf Parents
This quest for some basic data was stimulated by a request from an EP colleague for background information to aid planning in the case of a hearing child, in his first term of Year 2, who has profoundly deaf parents.
Understanding and assisting hearing children of deaf parents. A review of the literature
From 1994, this review of the literature on hearing children of deaf parents (HCDPs) notes increasing interest in this subject.
Deaf Family Issues: CODAS and Identity
The question “Am I hearing or am I deaf?” often creates an identity conflict for hearing children raised in a bilingual and bicultural family where one or both parents are D/deaf.
Practical Considerations for Counselors working with Hearing Children of Deaf Parents by R.D. Filer and P.A. Filer: 2000
Incidental Word Learning in a Hearing Child of Deaf Adults
It is unclear how children develop the ability to learn words incidentally (i.e., without direct instruction or numerous exposures). This investigation examined the early achievement of this skill by longitudinally tracking the expressive vocabulary and incidental word-learning capacities of a hearing child of Deaf adults who were natively learning American Sign Language (ASL) and spoken English.
Exploring Linguistic and Cultural Identity: My Personal Experience
Jemina Napier talks about her experience about her deaf parents and explores beyond the deaf world.
A Study of Self-Concept Issues in Hearing Children of Deaf Adults by Edith Esther Saville
CODAs struggle with issues of self-concept due to their unique experience. This study was designed to provide further research on this subject.
Attachment in Deaf Mothers and Their Children by I.W. Leigh et al.
The primary goal of the present study was to
examine the transmission of attachment from deaf mother to child.
Communication and Parenting Issues in Families with Deaf Parents and hearing Children by Kerri Clark: 2003
Deaf/Hearing Cultural Identity Paradigms: Modification of the Deaf Identity Development Scale by I. W. Leigh: 1998
Deaf Parents and their Hearing Children by J.L Singleton and M.D. Tittle: 2000
How Hearing children experiences affect their functioning in the hearing world.
Mother Father Deaf: The Heritage of Difference by P. Preston
The informants in this study provide an opportunity to explore the parameters and norms of Deaf culture as it contrasts and conflicts with those of Hearing culture.
Raising Bilingual Children: Common Parental Concerns and Current Research by K.King and L.Fogle: 2006
Raising Bilingual Children by Lia Timson: 1999
The Hearing Child of Deaf Parents by M.J. Connor:2004