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Upcoming Events 

  • CODA Interpreters Online Group
    CODA Interpreters Online Group
    Sat, 16 Nov
    Online Group
    16 Nov 2024, 14:00 – 16:00
    Online Group
    16 Nov 2024, 14:00 – 16:00
    Online Group
    Are you a CODA interpreter? Want to meet with others and create a professional network? Join us for an Online CODA interpreters group.
Screenshot 2024-04-05 at 11.56.05.png
Our Mission

Our Mission

​If either one (or both) of your parents are Deaf, then you're a CODA. Regardless of whether you sign or not. We would love to hear from you!


CODAs are Children of Deaf Adults. Most people with Deaf parents are themselves hearing - an often quoted figure places the proportion of hearing CODAs at 90% of the Deaf-parented population. 

As the only national organisation representing solely Children of Deaf Adults, CODA UK and Ireland was established in 2011 in order to:

  • Facilitate social interaction of CODAs with their peers

  • Provide peer support 

  • Celebrate our heritage 

We achieve this by arranging activities for CODAs of all ages - take a look at our events page to find out more. Through the establishment and growth of our flagship CODA Camp, our social activities and over 18's 'CODA Weekenders', and continued engagement on social media, we see that there is a need for CODA UK and Ireland to expand our operations into new domains.  

  • We are committed to honouring our heritage and our Deaf culture. As natives within Deaf culture, we have a crucial part to play in ensuring our culture and our indigenous sign languages of British Sign Language, Irish Sign Language, and Northern Irish Sign Language are kept alive and thriving.

  • We want to create local, regional and national networks of CODAs, who can provide support and guidance for CODAs of all ages.

  • We want to bring together young CODAs and their families, and to see a resurgence of Deaf community environments. 

  • We want to re-establish youth groups for CODAs to attend - and we want those groups to provide a range of fun, participant-led and inspirational activities. 

  • We are also committed to developing our international connections - particularly within Europe, as well as with CODA International. 

Inspired to help us achieve these aims? Why not become a volunteer? Keep an eye on our site for more details of how we will achieve our aims.

Under 18s

CODA: Under 18s

Welcome to our Under 18s CODA page. Click on any of the links below to be taken to our activities for your under 18s CODAs. 

Paper Craft
Rope Course in Summer Camp

Donate to CODA UK & Ireland



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